At-A-Glance Recycled Appointment Book Planner

Quantity | Your price |
6 | $36.64 / Each |
- Page size: 8-1/4" x 10-7/8"; 100% post-consumer material
- Ranges 12 months from January to December; Tips for green living
- Weekly: 1-week-per-2-page spread with quarter-hourly appointment times from 7 AM to 8:45 PM
- 7 AM to 5:30 PM Saturdays; Monthly Tabbed: 1-month-per-2-page spread with unruled daily blocks
- Simulated leather cover in Black
Professional weekly appointment book is environmentally friendly with tips for "Green Living" featured each week and a high recycled content. Dated planning pages range 12 months from January to December. Each two-page-per-week spread includes ruled daily columns, Monday-through-Sunday scheduling, quarter-hourly appointment times from 7 AM to 8:45 PM on weekdays and 7 AM to 5:30 PM on Saturdays, ruled area for Sundays, numbered weeks, count of days/days remaining, holidays, and past, current and future months reference. The current reference month is boxed, and the current week is highlighted for easy identification. Tabbed monthly overviews offer unruled daily blocks, Sunday-through-Saturday scheduling, holidays, and past, current and four future months reference. The current reference month has a bold box, and the current week is shaded for quick identification. Wire-bound," nonrefillable appointment book also offers a telephone/address section and simulated leather cover.
- Weekly
- Monthly
- 1 Week
- 1 Month
- 7:00 AM to 8:45 PM - Quarter-hourly
- 7:00 AM to 5:30 PM - Quarter-hourly
- Tabbed
- Phone Directory
- Address Directory
- Unruled Daily Block
- Reference Calendar
- Wear Resistant
- Tear Resistant
- Snag Resistant
- Simulated Leather
- Faux Leather
- 50% post-consumer waste cover material
- 90% post-consumer waste wire
- Tabbed monthly overview
- Past, current and two future months reference
- Tips for Green Living featured each week